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    2023 ESPA Congress Karlovy Vary - Report
    [2023.11.30.] - ISMH - News category: Általános

    ESPA congress Karlovy-Vary 2023, October 4-6.


    The European Spas Association congress was celebrated in Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic) from 4th to 6th of October 2023. ESPA, the Region of Karlovy Vary, the Medical Spas of Czech Republic and the Balneology Research Centre of Karlovy Vary co-organized the congress which met 300 participants from 29 countries.


    The main topic of the congress was: “European Spas, a Path to a Healthy Life”.


    The medical section was organized by the Balneology Research Centre of Karlovy Vary. In this section, ISMH was invited to participate, with the aim to develop cooperation in the future. ISMH was represented by the General Secretary, Dr. Ildikó Katalin Tefner MD PhD, who gave a lecture. The new elected chairman of the medical commission of ESPA is Prof. Dr. Patrick Carpentier MD. The participants of the congress formulated the “Karlovy Vary Spa Declaration” to support the medical spa activity (for more details see: https://europeanspas.eu/category/news/).


    I.K. Tefner



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